
A far future divided
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Author:  Wardonis [ Sat May 07, 2011 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  A far future divided

We'll start in june to so it fits into everyones sceduals better.

This story takes place millions of years from now. At some point in the future technology began to force an evolution into mankind. We began to become symbiotic with it. Nanites floated through the bodies of many throughout the known territories. But there were purists that opposed this “infection” of technology that plagued their time and they turned away from it, seeking to find a balance and harmony with the universe. Sarulians was the name they took to calling themselves.

Many centuries and millennia past and mankind became truly one with technology. Their bodies now produced a natural EM field that allowed the to interact with electronics with just a touch. Technology as a whole changed and the Valorian Empire was formed. It wasn’t an empire of land but of minds. All though the Valorians were able to communicate mentally by touch and through their technology over range, eons of genetic habit make verbal communication the preference when in close company. They retained a human physic but over time shortened, during the period we will be posting the average Valorian is 5’6” and the tallest wouldn’t reach 6’.

While this was happening the Sarulian purists became one with their environment and evolution had a decidedly different direction for them. They grew both spiritually and physically. Think: http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo11 ... so-880.jpg Minus the horn and with a much more human face. They became very Shamenistic and the color of their fur is dependant upon the tribe. There are nine total tribes. The Sarulian began to understand the natural elements of nature and how to control them and in time they became very powerful, each tribe devoting themselves to their own specific element. Through collaboration they were able to combine elements and create powerful ships and technology, a match of the Valorians.

What ensued was a civil war that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years and has consumed four galaxies. The concept of a “whole human” is forgotten in the myths and legends and all notions that the two races were in the past truly one no longer exists. The war has gone badly for the Valorians and if not for the infighting between the Sarulian tribes they would have been wiped out a long time ago. Now they have only a small territory hidden deep in a remote corner of the Pegasus galaxy they use as a home base to make raids against the various Sarulian tribes with.

In the midst of this turmoil a freak of nature throws a wild card into this divided and war torn universe. A rift opens in the desert of a remote planet dumping out a handful of humans from the year 2010.


Name: Tomothy Mallow
Age: 37
Profession: Investment Banker

Background: Originally from upstate New York, Greg moved to DC to try and get into politics, after that failed he found he had an eye for stocks and ended up working for a major firm as an investment banker.

Description: 6’3” 210lbs. regularly spent time at the gym and is very athletically fit. Black hair normally in a corporate cut and has blue eyes.

Author:  MysticMaiden [ Sat May 07, 2011 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Name:Katie Saunders

Profession: professional show jumper (for those who aren't knowledgeable of this **cough** wardonis **cough** it's done on horseback and **gasp** the horse is ridden over a course of jumps. It is a timed event, where, of course, the fastest time wins. Time is added for jumps missed and knocked over. One of the most famous places for show jumping being Spruce Meadows.

Background: A born and bred country girl, she had dreamed of becoming a show jumper from the first time her parents took her to Spruce Meadows. She achieved her dreams slowly through the years, saving up her money to take lessons and creating her own jumps with the help of her Father to match the most difficult jumps she had seen on TV. She still lives at home on the ranch during the off season, but spends much of her time traveling to show. She has also taken up breeding and raising horses for show jumping and to help pay for expenses.
Description: She stands at 5'7, she has rich dark auburn hair that reaches halfway down her back and is usually held in a ponytail or braid to keep it out of the way, rich green eyes, with a lithe athletic build from chores and riding, her skin is usually tanned as she loathes staying inside unless necessary. Her temper matches her hair, though it is reserved for humans only. She is very opinionated though can hold her tongue on the odd occasion.

Author:  alondor [ Sat May 07, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

If you do not mind me joining i think I would enjoy this.

Name: Jared
Age: 34
Job: Author/Elementary School Teacher

Background: Born and raise in Seattle he moved to Southern California after finishing colloege to get a job in a school.

Description: 6' even, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a plaid button up shirt, tan slacks, and brown loafers when the adventure begins

Author:  Marik [ Sun May 08, 2011 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Cool background. :shock: This should be good, I'm just declaring I'm still interested. I'll post a CS soon(ish).

Author:  Wardonis [ Sun May 08, 2011 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

@Alondor, approved.
@Marik, I look forward to reading it.

Thinking about where we could colectivly be to start this I'm coming up with a mall. Seems to be the easist place for a totally random group of people to be. Really easy to work from too. As far as where that Mall would be? No idea, I was thinking DC because its really divers but I like the idea of doing it in california a bit better so we'll go with that.

Also when this story starts off, its defanatly going to be more of a survivalist thing, and less scifi untill that part is discovered, remember freek accedent of time and space. we wont know were transported into the future. A note RQ too about how I plan to run this, I wont be leading un like the maelstrom i'm just going to set the stage and follow the groups decisions.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun May 08, 2011 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Name: Ivan Wolfe

Age: 23

Profession: Computer Programmer

Background: Born and raised in Montana, he went to college and got a Computer Science degree and began to pursue a job as a computer programmer in California. Enjoys hiking and rock climbing as a hobby and keeps his gear with him at most times in a duffel bag commonly saying "You never know when you might get the urge to climb something... so best be prepared" as explanation.

Description: 6'2" Long brown hair reaching down to the middle of his back, 180lbs Hetero-chromatic eyes left is blue right is green, Lean muscular build from days spent hiking and climbing

Author:  Wardonis [ Mon May 09, 2011 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

@Ire Approved.

And i'd like to say that i'm really liking the small and short backgrounds. For a traditional thread that wouldn't be a good thing, but for this tread I think it will be, these PC are going to have to learn about each other and that will make it exelent for the reader.

Author:  Ersska [ Mon May 09, 2011 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

I just wanted to post and let you know that I am interested in joining. I didn't post in your earlier thread because I never really had the time to review it. Since you're not starting until June, I'm going to take my time developing a character. There's a few old ones buried somewhere in old RP's that I would like to track down and re-use. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to have it posted before June.

Author:  Wardonis [ Tue May 10, 2011 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Almost full so hurry. Ciarda is considering joining but dragon rider, marik, Ex, drakel and you ersska all want in but with me, ire, maiden and alondor already confirmed thats alot of people. I'm going for 6-8 so for that last 2-4 players ima have to make it 1st come 1st serve that and/or put priority to what would be best to the thread.

Doesn't need to be much of a back story, actually i'd prefer you not post a detailed back story. want your back groud to come out in the thread, everyones.

EDIT: oh and Alondor, whats your PCs last name?

Author:  alondor [ Tue May 10, 2011 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided


Author:  Marik [ Tue May 10, 2011 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

I shall withdraw my application as this thread is getting full and I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to draw up and post my CS. Sorry, maybe next time :mrgreen:

Author:  Drakel [ Tue May 10, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

I suppose I'm also going to withdraw my application... even though I didn't want to

Unfortunate event's prevented me from joining.... so sorry everyone but I'm going to have to call myself out.

Author:  Marik [ Tue May 10, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Mah CS! (finally :P and yeah I decided to drop back in :lol: )

Name: Theresa 'Terri' Forrester
Age: 23
Profession: Semi-pro Swimmer, Shop assistant to pay the bills.
Background: Born and raised in the Scottish highlands, she grew up diving and swimming in the lochs around her home. While she works 4 days a week in her mother's shop she still finds time to train at least 5 hours every day towards her goal of becoming a world-class swimmer. She has won a number of local and national competitions and as such can be somewhat arrogant. There is no denying that she is driven however. Her hobbies include painting and dancing. She is mostly apathetic towards many things that people get worked up about and usually takes the path of least resistance, reasoning that her time is far too valuable to waste arguing with others.

She is in America celebrating the winnings from her most recent competition.

Description: She is around 5'10, and dark-skinned. Her hair is cropped fairly short to better fit into a swimming cap for stream-lining, however she wears it fairly naturally fluffed into spikes when out and about on land. She has a toned body, sleek but not very strong, built for speed and efficiency, especially in water. She wears a few bracelets but is otherwise unadorned with jewelry. At the time of the event she is wearing black leggings and denim three-quarter length shorts along with a baggy grey hoody and purple strappy top. She carries a large black purse containing various bits and bobs.

Author:  Wardonis [ Wed May 11, 2011 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Marik Aprroved

Author:  Corva [ Mon May 16, 2011 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Name: Alex Canton
Age: 25
Occupation: Planetologist working for JPL. Or rather, he was going to be... except he only spent a few days in America before the event.
Skills: Well, he's got a degree in Planetary Science and Biotechnology from the University of Cambridge... which isn't much use when it comes to surviving in the immediate aftermath of the event. Fortunately, that's not the only thing he can do - as an avid believer in the well known Heinlein quote, he's learnt first aid and practised many a time on sowing up oranges, in order to replicate sowing up a person (trust me, it's not that different; I've seen animals being stitched up).
Possessions: A bag, containing a spare pair of clothes; a survival kit which he claims can be used to rebuild society from scratch, containing among other things a packet of sea monkeys - "in case we need to reintroduce life into the water" - as well as seeds and spores of penicillin; a medical kit with needle and thread; and his netbook.
Appearence: Highly Bishie, supposedly.. Middling length hair down to his jaw. Brown eyes. Wears a long sleeved T-shirt and some slimline jeans (skinnier than usual, but not as much as Emo's).

Anything else you want me to add?

Author:  Ersska [ Wed May 18, 2011 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

I'm sorry I haven't posted a character yet. I've been dealing with two very sick dogs. I will have something posted by tomorrow night. If there's o room for another character, just let me know. I'll totally understand.

Author:  Wardonis [ Wed May 18, 2011 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Still open :)

Author:  Wardonis [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

Waiting on Ersska's char and Dragon Rider to edit

starting soon so hurry please

Author:  Corva [ Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

What do you want me to edit? :?

Author:  Wardonis [ Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A far future divided

I'm starting the thread. This is going to be an extremly open ended thread meaning as long as your person has the ability, knowledge and skill to do something your welcome to do it. You don't have to stay as a group you can split up or go do your own thing but i recomend you stay together just to make things easier. I also wont be directing the thread at all so someone will need to take charge of the group a little rivelry on that never hurts. I'll pretty much just be following the group and setting the stage.

Its important to note, i wont be trying to make sure the group doesn't kill themselves. If we die we die. This can be a very short or a very long thread. Its all up to you guys and your dicisions.

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